[Sách] Oxford Cambridge IGCSE & O Level Complete 20th Century History Student Book (Third Edition 2023) – Sách giấy gáy xoắn


ISBN: 978-1382045223
Publication date: 01/06/2023
Paperback: 352 pages


Mã sản phẩm: STAHN68623451
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Written by subject and assessment experts, the IGCSE & O Level Complete 20th Century History Student Book provides complete support fully matched to the latest Cambridge IGCSE & O Level History syllabuses for Option B and Depth Studies. For first teaching 2022, first examinations 2024.


  • Full coverage of Option B ’20th Century History’ and all Depth Studies in the latest Cambridge IGCSE & O Level History syllabuses
  • Supports students to develop and apply crucial historical skills with extensive source material and stimulating discussion topics
  • Thoroughly prepares students for high-stakes assessment with key points, revision tips, and review questions
  • Includes key terms, mini biographies, along with quick questions, tasks and discussion points for active learning and group activities

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