[Sách] Cambridge IGCSE and O Level Computer Science Coursebook (Second Edition 2021) by Sarah Lawrey- Victoria Ellis – Sách giấy gáy xoắn

(8 đánh giá của khách hàng)


  • ISBN:9781108915144
  • Format:Print/online bundle
  • Subject(s):Computer Science
  • Qualification:Cambridge IGCSE
  • Author(s):Sarah Lawrey, Victoria Ellis
  • Available from:April 2021

This series supports learners through the Cambridge IGCSE™ and O Level Computer Science syllabuses (0478/0984/2210).

  • Build upon the fundamentals of computational thinking and programming with this coursebook, developed to support teachers and students through the Cambridge IGCSE™ and O Level Computer Science syllabuses (0478/0984/2210). Bring computer science to life through real-life contexts and applications, including a new ‘Introduction to programming scenarios’ chapter and case studies from Microsoft Research®. A three-tiered approach to programming tasks across the coursebook develops both skills and confidence for students of all levels of understanding. Teachers can access answers for free on the Cambridge GO platform.


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8 đánh giá cho [Sách] Cambridge IGCSE and O Level Computer Science Coursebook (Second Edition 2021) by Sarah Lawrey- Victoria Ellis – Sách giấy gáy xoắn
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