[Sách] Grammar in Context 6th (Sixth Edition)

Thư mục này có nhiều sách phiên bản  khác nhau. Quý khách vui lòng chọn đúng phiên bản cần mua để đặt hàng. Bộ này gồm 4 levels: Basic – 1 -2 -3. Bộ sách này mua tại shop thì có sẵn đầy đủ đáp án được in kèm phía sau sách.

Grammar in Context, Sixth Edition

Language(s): American English

Level(s): Beginning, High-beginning, Intermediate, High-intermediate

The Sixth Edition of the best-selling Grammar in Context series, inspires learners through compelling stories, National Geographic images, and content, relevant to students’ lives. Students learn more, remember more, and use language more effectively when they learn grammar in context.

  • National Geographic photographs introduce lesson themes and draw learners into the context.
  • New and updated readings, many with National Geographic content, introduce the target grammar in context and provide the springboard for practice.
  • New listening exercises reinforce the grammar through natural spoken English.


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