[Sách] Principles of Economics by N. Gregory Mankiw (8th edition – 2017 ) – Sách giấy gáy xoắn

(3 đánh giá của khách hàng)


Sách in màu , 867 trang.

Provide an approachable, superbly written introduction to economics that allows all types of students to quickly grasp economic concepts and build a strong foundation with Mankiw’s popular PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS, 8E. The most widely-used text in economics classrooms worldwide, this book covers only the most important principles to avoid overwhelming students with excessive detail. Extensive updates feature relevant examples to engage students. MindTap and Aplia™ digital course solutions are available to improve student engagement and retention with powerful student-focused resources. Within MindTap, students can use the highly acclaimed Graph Builder and Adaptive Test Prep features. All content has been carefully crafted around understanding student needs at key moments in your course. A team of award-winning teaching economists have added more relevance, engagement, and interactivity to teaching resources in this book’s ancillary package, already the most commanding in the industry.
Cengage Learning
836 / 866
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Mã sản phẩm: STAHN363692
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3 đánh giá cho [Sách] Principles of Economics by N. Gregory Mankiw (8th edition – 2017 ) – Sách giấy gáy xoắn
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  1. Jarvis Đã mua tại sachtienganhhanoi.com

    Giao diện website dễ dùng và giao nhanh

  2. Trần Lệ Đã mua tại sachtienganhhanoi.com

    Sách có đầy đủ audio và hỗ trợ nhanh.

  3. Thạch Anh Đã mua tại sachtienganhhanoi.com

    I love it. Very usefull for my classbook.

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