[Sách] Macmillan PTE Academic Testbuilder (2012) – Tests that Teach – Sách giấy gáy xoắn

(4 đánh giá của khách hàng)


Macmillan, 2012. — 194 p. — ISBN13: 9780230427860.

A brand new title in this popular Tests that teach series, designed to help improve students’ exam performance and increase language competence. The PTE Academic Testbuilder supplies four complete practice tests for the entirely computer-based Pearson Test of English Academic exam, providing guided analysis of answers and further practice across all four language skills.

Key features

Four complete practice tests precisely reflecting the levels and types of questions to be found in the exam.
A full range of exam-type tasks found in the PTE Academic exam.
Practice and guidance pages for each part of the exam paper.
Focus on common problem areas.
A guided analysis of sample answers.
Contains a complete answer key with helpful, easy-to-use explanation as to how and why the model answer is right and the others are wrong.


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4 đánh giá cho [Sách] Macmillan PTE Academic Testbuilder (2012) – Tests that Teach – Sách giấy gáy xoắn
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  1. Thiệu Anh Đã mua tại sachtienganhhanoi.com

    Sách có đầy đủ audio và hỗ trợ nhanh.

  2. Triều Anh Đã mua tại sachtienganhhanoi.com

    beautiful book

  3. Etta Đã mua tại sachtienganhhanoi.com

    Shop có nhiều sách hay

  4. Văn Tảng Đã mua tại sachtienganhhanoi.com

    Excellent and helpful

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