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75.000 ₫
These workbooks provide hundreds of fun pages for practicing all the skills kids need to succeed in each grade. Complied from the popular Reading Skills, Spelling Skills, Math Skills, Language Arts, Writing Skills, and test Prep series, these colorful workbooks include: High interest stories to develop reading proficiency; exercises in math problems students will face; grade appropriate spelling words grouped by vowel sound or suffix; lessons in parts of speech, usage, and constructing sentences; creative prompts for writing sentences, letters, and even short reports; and practice in using standardized test formats.
Harcourt Family Learning Workbooks are a comprehensive line of workbook developed through a partnership with Harcourt, a leading educational publisher. Based on national teaching standards, these workbooks provide complete practice in math, reading, and other key subject areas.
Mã sản phẩm (SKU): STAHN993233(Hãy bấm F5 để tải lại trang này nếu không xem được nội dung phía dưới)
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I have bought all these books for my daughter… love them. They are so helpful with her studies.
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Totally happy with it!
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Good book
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Very good experience !!!!
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