[Sách] Theory of Knowledge for the IB Diploma: Skills for Success Second Edition 2020 – Sách giấy gáy xoắn


  • ISBN:9781510474956
    Extent:136 pages


Mã sản phẩm: STAHN917964
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Build confidence in a range of key Theory of Knowledge skills with this practical companion, full of advice and guidance from an experienced TOK expert.
– Learn to apply analytical skills with Deeper Thinking, showing you how to go beyond simply identifying and explaining.
– Develop awareness of the practical application of knowledge with In Practice pointers, offering guidance on how topics can be used in TOK activities.
– Improve your ability to respond to knowledge questions, a crucial part of assessment success.
– Avoid making the mistakes that others make in the assessments with TOK Traps that highlight common errors and misconceptions.

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