[Sách] Hodder Wellbeing for the IB PYP 2020 – Sách giấy gáy xoắn


Extent:120 pages



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Teach for success and implement effective strategies to create flexible, inviting and intentional learning spaces – essential for supporting physical and emotional wellbeing.

– Offers guidance on how to support emotional wellbeing with dedicated chapters on Mindfulness, anxiety and stress and the importance of wellbeing and PSEL.
– Helps develop fully rounded and responsible learners with exploration of the lB Learner Profile and ATL skills of social, communication and self-management skills with case studies and Dr Kimberley’s Top 5 Tips.
– Provides a collaborative approach to wellbeing with storybooks (PYP Friends) and workbooks (PYP ATL Skills Workbooks) that can be used alongside this resource to develop your students social and emotional wellbeing.

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