[Sách] Hodder Language A for the IB Diploma: Concept-based learning – Sách giấy gáy xoắn


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Confidently teach the two new Language A courses with a variety of teaching resources to help you plan engaging syllabi, timelines and lessons that are aligned to the concept-based learning approach.
– Confidently navigate the new syllabus with a clear overview of concept-based learning and inquiry and how these can be aligned to the assessment objectives and learning outcomes.
– Effectively plan your teaching with a variety of templates, timelines and suggested texts for each area of exploration.
– Develop a concept-based learning course with specific advice and lessons that help students understand the texts and topics more deeply.
– Encourage students to engage with texts and write convincingly and passionately through active reading, making notes, asking questions, and developing a personal response to the text (helping the student find their voice).
– Help guide students through the assessment process – including developing topics, methods of structuring the work and attitudes toward exams – for each assessment: Learner Portfolios & the Individual Oral, HL Essay, Paper 1 and Paper 2.

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