[Sách] Hodder French B for the IB Diploma Second Edition 2018 – Sách giấy gáy xoắn


Extent:384 pages


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Exam board: International Baccalaureate
Level: IB Diploma
Subject: French
First teaching: September 2018
First exams: Summer 2020

Develop competent communicators who can demonstrate a sound conceptual understanding of the language with a flexible course that ensures thorough coverage of the updated French B Guide and is designed to meet the needs of all IB students at Standard and Higher Level.

– Empower students to communicate confidently by exploring the five prescribed themes through authentic texts and skills practice at the right level, delivered in clear learning pathways.
– Ensure students are able to produce coherent written texts and deliver proficient presentations with grammar and vocabulary introduced in context and in relation to appropriate spoken and written registers.
– Improve receptive skills with authentic written texts, audio recordings spoken at a natural pace, and carefully crafted reading and listening tasks.
– Promote global citizenship, intercultural understanding and an appreciation of Francophone cultures through a wide range of text types and cultural material from around the world.
– Deliver effective practice with a range of structured tasks within each unit that build reading, listening, speaking and writing skills.
– Establish meaningful links to TOK and CAS, and identify learner profile attributes in action.

The audio for the Student Book is FREE to download from www.hoddereducation.com/ibextras

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