[Sách] Hodder Agency Learner in charge for the IB Programmes – Sách giấy gáy xoắn


Extent:240 pages


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Teach for success and implement effective strategies to develop a learning community that supports student agency and self-efficacy with this essential guide developed by an experienced PYP educator.

– Create opportunities for agency in the classroom with guidance and advice that focusses on the three agency strands: choice, voice and ownership.
-Explore the skills of being a learner and how to build these to enable students to influence and direct their own learning.
– Discover the role of play in learning with a dedicated chapter looking at the characteristics of play, why it is important and how it can develop understanding in learners of all ages.
-Agency is not just about the student – everyone is an agentic learner, even teachers. Learn how to change your growth mindset and become agentic learners too.

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