[Sách] Hodder Business management for the IB Diploma: Prepare for Success 2023 – Sách giấy gáy xoắn


Extent:240 pages


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Enable your students to achieve success with the ultimate course companion; providing fully worked explanations of all framework requirements and topics, with practice questions and toolkit links to support and develop learning.

– Strengthen skills and build confidence with exam-style questions relating to the four key concepts: Change, Creativity, Ethics and Sustainability, and how to incorporate context and content connections into exam answers.
– Practice and revise effectively with a range of high achieving example answers, and demonstrations on the strategies used to reach them.
– Business management toolkit feature highlights the essential tools in the new course with tasks designed to support understanding.
– Achieve the best grades through advice given from a highly experienced author on how to approach each topic, with top tips and how to avoid common mistakes.
– Answers are available to download for free: www.hoddereducation.com/ib-extras

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