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[DOWNLOAD PDF] Introduction to English as a Second Language Teacher’s Book 4th Edition by Peter Lucantoni (ISBN:9781107532762)


        • ISBN:9781107532762
        • Subject(s):English as a Second Language
        • Qualification:Cambridge IGCSE
        • Author(s):Peter Lucantoni
        • Available from:April 2015

        Introduction to English as a Second language is a course to prepare students studying for Cambridge IGCSE® or equivalent level. Presented in a colourful design and offering clear, practical support for students it follows a variety of interesting themes and topics, with a focus on skills development in listening, speaking, reading and writing. Each of the 18 units provides opportunities for thinking and discussion, along with developing research and study skills. An audio CD is included for use with the listening activities.

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Đánh giá [DOWNLOAD PDF] Introduction to English as a Second Language Teacher’s Book 4th Edition by Peter Lucantoni (ISBN:9781107532762)
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