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[DOWNLOAD PDF] Cambridge International AS & A Level Chemistry Practical Workbook (2020) by Lawrie Ryan, Roger Norris [1]

(2 đánh giá của khách hàng)


  • ISBN:9781108799546
  • Format:Paperback
  • Subject(s):Chemistry
  • Qualification:Cambridge AS and A Level
  • Author(s):Roger Norris, Mike Wooster
  • Available from: June 2020

For first examination from 2022, these resources meet the real needs of the chemistry classroom.

Extensive research through lesson observations, teacher interviews and work with our online teacher community (the Cambridge Panel) means that this flexible range of resources meets the real teaching needs of the science classroom. This write-in workbook contains step-by-step guided investigations and practice questions for Cambridge International AS & A Level Chemistry teachers and students. Through practical investigation, it provides opportunities to develop skills– planning, identifying equipment, creating hypotheses, recording results, analysing data, and evaluating. The workbook is ideal for teachers who find running practical experiments difficult due to lack of time, resources or support. Sample data – if students can’t do the experiments themselves – and answers to the questions are in the teacher’s guide.

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Đánh giá [DOWNLOAD PDF] Cambridge International AS & A Level Chemistry Practical Workbook (2020) by Lawrie Ryan, Roger Norris [1]
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